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Title: Split
Format: CD
Release Date: 18/Dic/2009
Price: $9.00 USD

Sweden meets Canada

A monstrous slab of Dbeat/Crustcore assault that is mandatory for all those into the crudest and darkest Swedish and Scandinavian sound.

Canada's Twisted System delivers 10 tracks of dual male-female unstopable crustcore onslaught bringing to mind cult classics such as Disrupt in all its fierce intensity.

Sweden's Terrorstat (featuring Jonsson ex-Abuse) brings the


> Track List
1. Samvetslös Tid 9. Battle Against the Bugs
2. Rakt Pa Sak 10. Crime vs Criminals
3. Nar Allting Brinner 11. Dead Sound
4. Politikens Kamphundar 12. Poison Prescription
5. Ratad 13. Scared to Grow Old
6. Globalisering Foder Slaveri 14. Untitled
7. Terra Firma Part I 15. False Security
8. Terra Firma Part II 16. Splash in the Puddles
  17. War on Reality
  18. The Jib is Up (Live)
> Sound Samples


> Reviews
Attack Fanzine
Eighteen tracks in thirty-six minutes and a Swedish - American crustcore team-up with two bands that I think would have benefited from doing separate releases.

When a bands' style is described as raw, rampant crustcore with a couple of heavy mid-tempo breakdowns it could just as well be a way of tip-toeing around the fact that they don't have so much to offer as it could mean that it kicks ass. There's a thin line between the bands that pull it off and remains in memory and those that don't and as I write this I'm not sure where Swedish Terrorstat lands. I like their crustcore assault and the pummelling breakdowns quite a lot, but it's a bit too soon to say if I'll pull this out a year from now and are equally excited even though it doesn't seem too farfetched.
On these eight tracks they show that they just as well can blast away brutal käng as doomy sludge-crust with six of the tracks being between one and two minutes in length and the two closing “Terra firma part 1” and “Terra firma part 2” clocking in at three and a half- and seven minutes. I'll definitely keep my eyes on this band.

American Twisted System aren't offering any long doomy tracks but are keeping all ten under the two minute marker. Musically they're playing, well, raw and rampant crustcore with dual vocals and to be honest this is one of those bands where tip-toeing could be involved. On a solo release I would probably enjoy this more, but the truth is that they don't quite reach the same level of quality as the Swedes. There's really no lacking in aggression and there's a sort of Cripple Bastards-playing-scandicrust touch to their sound that I like, but still…

Krogh – April 23, 2010
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TERRORSTAT - Samvetslös Tid TWISTED SYSTEM - Untitled