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Email Contact Information


Mailing Address

Apdo. Postal 82-017
05501 Mexico D.F.
Find us at:



> Frequently Asked Questions


Can I submit a demo?
Would EBM sign my band?

How do I get my band's album or my label's bands into the EBM Catalog/E-Store?


Does EBM do trades ?

How can I receive promotional materials from EBM for my zine, radio show, website?
How come I can't find your albums in stores?

Can I submit a demo?

You may submit any demo or promotional material for EBM recs.:

c/o Jose Luis Romero
A.P. 82-017
05501 Mexico D.F.


Or if you prefer you can email some MP3's of your songs along with some band's information to our email address.

Would EBM sign my band?
We will contact you if we are interested in your band. We work with bands that we like and enjoy, so if we like your music and think we can make a deal then we will contact you.
How do I get my band's album into the EBM Catalog/E-Store?
Send us a full sample of the product you want us to carry, no promos or cdr's, the actual product you are offering ONLY! Again, to reiterate, we will get back to you if interested, do not call or write for follow up. We are generally interested in 'professional' releases only, meaning that we usually will not carry CDR or blank tape demos.
Does EBM do trades ?
Yes, we do trades. But first email us with your full trade list and we will get back to you if we are interested.
How can I receive promotional materials from EBM for my zine, radio show, website?

Please send a recent issue of your publication or the outlet(s) that you contribute to for consideration.

How come I can't find your albums in stores?
All stores determine what they stock. EBM has good worldwide distribution so if you do not see EBM titles in your local record store then ask them if they would stock EBM titles or special order them for you.
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Frequently Asked Questions